Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Chautauqa Evening Features Brahms!

We are thrilled to announce our Tuesday, July 13th Chautauqua evening concert will feature two pieces by Brahms: Violin Concerto with Kyoko Takezawa, violin and Symphony #1. Michael Christe will mark his 10th Anniversary as Music Director for the Colorado Music Festival.

The Chautauqua Auditorium was built in 1898 and has the unique characteristic of being able to open it's huge barn-like doors so the music can be heard on the grassy lawn for free! You can reserve an excellent inside seat by including the $40 discount ticket with your registration. If you have already registered and wish the ticket, simply indicate you have registered and include payment for the ticket with another registration form.

We are all looking forward to the evening. Hope to see you there.


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