Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Elegant Social at the Boulderado Hotel!

Thanks to generous donors, attendees are being treated to an "Elegant Social" at our Gathering in Boulder.
The Boulderado Hotel, located across the street from our venues, was built in 1909 as the first luxury hotel in Boulder. On Wednesday night we will walk up the cherry wood staircase to our "Elegant Social" located on the Mezzanine, under the beautiful stained glass ceiling, overlooking the exquisite lobby filled with antique furnishing including the original elevator. The delicate music of the harp will add to our ambience. It is a perfect setting for the marvelous people attending the 2010 ALCM Region IV event.

Meet you on the Mezzanine!


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Chautauqa Evening Features Brahms!

We are thrilled to announce our Tuesday, July 13th Chautauqua evening concert will feature two pieces by Brahms: Violin Concerto with Kyoko Takezawa, violin and Symphony #1. Michael Christe will mark his 10th Anniversary as Music Director for the Colorado Music Festival.

The Chautauqua Auditorium was built in 1898 and has the unique characteristic of being able to open it's huge barn-like doors so the music can be heard on the grassy lawn for free! You can reserve an excellent inside seat by including the $40 discount ticket with your registration. If you have already registered and wish the ticket, simply indicate you have registered and include payment for the ticket with another registration form.

We are all looking forward to the evening. Hope to see you there.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Music Mart will be our Music Store!

We are very pleased to announce that the Gathering in Boulder will have a Music Store!
Music Mart is working with us to supply music for the reading sessions, the Gathering Children's Choir, the Gathering Adult Choir, and carry copies of organ, choral and instrumental music you will in hear in worship, recitals, etc. They will also work with publishers who wish to have music sent to Boulder on consignment. Music Mart will arrive in Boulder with a van full of music and books which will on display for purchase and orering throughout the Gathering.

Many of us already know about The Music Mart located in Albuquerque, New Mexico and consider them one of the nations leading music dealers. We will be enriched by their presence in Boulder.
