Friday, October 30, 2009

Friday, October 30, 2009
The dream of having College Students in our midst at the Gathering in Boulder 2010 is beginning to come into focus! The gracious local Boulder Hosting Committee will offer free “Bed & Breakfast” for 4 nights (July 11-14) to college students WHEN they agree to serve as mentors for the Children’s Choir at the Pre-Gathering! This is a huge saving plus the unique opportunity to learn in the trenches from some great teachers. College students would need to be in Boulder by noon on Sunday, July 11th for Pre-Gathering. Check out the Pre-Gathering button on the website and you’ll notice how many outstanding people are ready to help the students. Pass the word!


Sunday, October 4, 2009

At the ALCM National in Milwaukee the interest for the Gathering was exciting.

This summer we had a “2010 Gathering in Boulder Exhibit” at the National ALCM Conference in Milwaukee. A lot of good conversations took place with people from all 4 regions. Many ALCM members thought it would be worth their while to attend solely based on the three stellar keynoters. We were happy to inform them about the additional 18 presenters who will also be part of the event. On the even-numbered years ALCM members are free to attend any of the summer regional events. With that said, we invite you to join us in the scenic Rocky Mountain Community of Boulder.


Monday, June 29, 2009

The Gathering is beginning to take shape.

It is exciting to have three stellar Keynoters.   I think it would be worth the trip if you ONLY heard the three of them.  I know I’m looking forward to their individual KEYNOTES and certainly the two FORUMS with some timely topics to be discussed.   The Forum format promotes discussion between the presenters as well as with the attendees.  Should be fun!



Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Welcome to a place for "Compass Comments"! 
Boulder 2010 will be the site of our ALCM Region IV Gathering under the theme:
FAITH: A Compass for Leaders
Psalm 121: I Lift Up My Eyes...
Check back often to see how things are progressing. 
In the meantime...we hope you will be with us in Boulder July 12-15, 2010!
